Negative feedback amplifier — Figure 1: Ideal negative feedback model A negative feedback amplifier (or more commonly simply a feedback amplifier) is an amplifier which combines a fraction of the output with the input so that a negative feedback opposes the original signal.… … Wikipedia
Current-feedback operational amplifier — Representative schematic of a current feedback op amp or amplifier. The current feedback operational amplifier otherwise known as CfoA or CfA is a type of electronic amplifier whose inverting input is sensitive to current, rather than to voltage… … Wikipedia
Variable-gain amplifier — A variable gain or voltage controlled amplifier is an electronic amplifier that varies its gain depending on a control voltage (often abbreviated CV). VCAs have many applications, including audio level compression, synthesizers and amplitude… … Wikipedia
Phase-shift oscillator — A phase shift oscillator is a simple sine wave electronic oscillator. It contains an inverting amplifier, and a feedback filter which shifts the phase by 180 degrees at the oscillation frequency.The filter must be designed so that at frequencies… … Wikipedia
Pierce oscillator — The Pierce oscillator is a type of electronic oscillator circuit particularly well suited for implementing crystal oscillator circuits. Named for its inventor, George W. Pierce (1872 1956), the Pierce oscillator is a derivative of the Colpitts… … Wikipedia
Differentiator — A Differentiator is a circuit that is designed such that the output of the circuit is proportional to the time derivative of the input. There are two types of differentiator circuits, active and passive. Contents 1 Theory 2 Operation 3 Uses … Wikipedia
Fender Vibrasonic — The Fender Vibrasonic was an amplifier made by Fender. It was introduced in 1959 and was discontinued in 1964. At the time of its introduction, the Vibrasonic Amp was the first amplifier design to displace the Fender Twin as the company s new top … Wikipedia
Log amplifier — Log Amplifier(Using OPAMP) IntroductionA log amplifier is the one for which the output voltage Vout is K times the natural log of the input voltage Vin. Numerically, V {out} = K lnfrac{V {in{V {ref Vref is the normalization constant in volts, K… … Wikipedia
резистор (цепи) обратной связи — — [Я.Н.Лугинский, М.С.Фези Жилинская, Ю.С.Кабиров. Англо русский словарь по электротехнике и электроэнергетике, Москва, 1999 г.] Тематики электротехника, основные понятия EN feedback resistor … Справочник технического переводчика
Current source — Figure 1: An ideal current source, I, driving a resistor, R, and creating a voltage V A current source is an electrical or electronic device that delivers or absorbs electric current. A current source is the dual of a voltage source. The term… … Wikipedia
Bipolar transistor biasing — Bipolar transistor amplifiers must be properly biased to operate correctly. In circuits made with individual devices (discrete circuits), biasing networks consisting of resistors are commonly employed. Much more elaborate biasing arrangements are … Wikipedia